• Alexander Dubček Primary School in Martin


        Alexander Dubček Primary School in Martin

        The address of the school: Družstevná Street 11, Martin 

        Telephone no. :  043/4230109

        E-mail contact address: zsalexandradubceka@gmail.com



        School profile:  

        The Primary school in Družstevná 11 Str. is a state school which was founded in 1967. The school is attended by children aged 6 to 15  in 9 grades. Education is free of charge and compulsory. In 2001 The Ministry of Education awarded our school with a title of honour and since then the school has been named Alexander Dubček Primary School. The school participates in the intelectually-gifted young learners project. There are classes with specialized educational curriculum and numerous additional activities. Children develope their abilities and skills.

        Teaching languages: 

        Since 1983 the school has specialized in teaching languages, primarily English and German. According to their interests pupils are allowed to choose English and German as an extra subject. Students also decide for one of the optional foreign languages as their second language. Intelectually-gifted learners study English language from the 1st grade and they have an excellent opportunity to develope and improve their language skills and language competence.


        In 1994 our school joined the project Schools Supporting  Wellness and support healthy lifestyle awareness of all students. In 1997 our school joined the project Step by step which improved students’ educational skills. In 2006 students of the 5th grade participated in a literature project Schools for the future iniciated by a mobile phone operator in  our country.


        In the year 2000 we initiated  international cultural cooperation with schools in Germany /Gotha/  and Sweden /Munhedal/ within the Socrates programme. Our school focuses on environmental protection (such as The Day of the Earth project) and culture of our region. Students have an opportunity to compare and exchange their knowledge and research results. 


        Students regularly take part in various sports events such as football, basketball and volleyball matches. Students of our school have been awarded in various competitions and tournaments....